Friday, May 15, 2009

The Midsummer Santa Claus (by Yasumura Kazuto)

Anyone would have doubted their eyes for a moment, I think.

At the very least Yamai couldn’t help but stop and stare at the man (it looked like a man…), handkerchief still clutched in his right hand where he had raised it to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The man was dressed up like Santa: red hat; a large, heavy red suit with puffy white trimming by the hands and feet. A white beard covered his face. And on top of that, he wore thick, tinted glasses.

When it came to that, Yamai had heard that Christmas was in summer in the southern hemisphere. Probably Santa got dripping with sweat as he delivered his presents. But that didn’t explain why this street – H Avenue, with a row of office buildings on each side – would become the haunt of this out-of-season figure on a Japanese midsummer afternoon.

Thinking it might be some sort of promotion he looked around, but there were no TV cameras, cameramen, or announcers. The Santa wasn’t carrying a billboard or passing out fliers. Or had he been handing out fliers somewhere, and was on his way home? In that case, though, there wouldn’t be any need to be walking through the sunlight in full Santa uniform on a midsummer early afternoon….

Yamai remembered now that on this morning’s TV news, they had said that today would probably see the year’s peak temperature, and therefore the heat-discomfort index would be correspondingly high. The Santa came closer. Amidst the bulging suit, red from head to toe, the white beard, and the thick glasses, he hadn’t broken a sweat. He must have been well suited to this sort of thing… but it made it all the more eerie.

And he had a large white sack slung behind him. As if whatever was in it were correspondingly large and weighty, it lay heavy across his back.

Other passersby besides Yamai were slowing down to look at the Santa, but he continued walking without paying them the slightest bit of attention. Yamai turned back to look any number of times. And each time, the red outfit stood out clearly under the glare of the midsummer sun.

"And now the news.

"This afternoon, the body of a missing girl, presumed to be abducted, was discovered in H Park, facing H Avenue. The body had been left near one of the benches inside a large white sack. According to the testimony of those who found it, the sack was of the kind Santa might use to deliver presents in. Given its eye-catching appearance, it’s currently unknown how it could have been taken to H Park in broad daylight—"

Yamai, in a diner, stopped his chopsticks; he was remembering the Santa he’d seen that afternoon. It seemed likely that the sack that afternoon’s Santa had been carrying was one and the same as the one now being reported on the news. But Yamai didn’t have a single clear memory about it. Surrounded by white beard and red hat and thick glasses, he hadn’t made out the person’s face. He couldn’t even remember whether it had been a fat person, or someone thin in padded clothes. No, more than that, whether it had been someone tall or short, young or old… nor even, when it came to it, actually a man….

<+ + +>

真夏のサンタクロース - 安村和人












Monday, May 4, 2009

Fretting (by Segawa Biki)

University entrance exam results. Didn’t make it this year either. This would be my third year as a ronin.

I went and saw Yoriko, my best friend from high school, for the first time in a while. A college sophomore, she had picked up a sparkle and become a real beauty. I, on the other hand, was rapidly becoming duller. Yoriko listened to my dark grumbling with a smile. When we parted, she told me “But you know, I don’t think life’s all that bad. There’s bad things too, you just have to quickly forget.”

It gave me a start to hear that word. It was as if she had seen through me to my secret, the thing that I had kept even from her.

The truth is – I am incapable for forgetting “bad things.” Perfect recall. From my earliest memories to the present, I recall everything bad that has happened to me, in minute detail.

My first memory is from when I was three years old. My mother was taking me with her as she went shopping in the market. In front of the Mr. Greens grocery, I wet myself, and was laughed at by the people around while my mother shouted at me. I still remember in detail the faces of the people around me, and what my mother said when she was shouting. With this as the first, I clearly remember almost-daily “bad things.”

If my recall of other things were as good as with “bad things,” I wouldn’t have gone and become a third-year ronin. But the “bad things” are always turning and turning inside my head, and I don’t have the time to remember the things that I should.

It’s just like Yoriko said. I need to forget the bad stuff. But how to do it? If I were a cheerful girl, I could pour out my heart to a friend, and probably get it all off my chest and forget. But I can’t do such an embarrassing thing. Not to mention, there’s nobody on Earth who’d listen to my story of the enormous collection of troubles I’d had since birth.

That’s it. What if, in place of talking to a friend, I wrote it down in diary format in a notebook? If I could just spit out all those memories that had been stagnating in my head into a notebook, maybe I could forget. I make my decision, buy several thick notebooks, and in tiny characters write out all my memories from the age of three on.

A week. It’s because I’m a confirmed ronin that I’m able to make the time for it, I’m sure. Some days I stay up all night long. At last, I’m able to write out all of the “bad things” that I was remembering.

And with that I’ll be able to completely forget them – I thought. But by writing it out, my memory is refreshed, and it seems that I’ll feel their presence even more strongly than I have up to now.

Huge mistake.

Last, in my notebook, I write today’s date, and "I completely wasted a week." With that sentence, I begin adding the memory of a new “bad thing.”

<+ + +>

くよくよ - 勢川びき


















