Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Stolen Papers (by Hoshi Shinichi)

All was quiet in the depths of the night. A lone man lay in hiding near Dr. F’s laboratory. The man was a thief. Up to now, Dr. F had invented one amazing medicine after another. It was being said that any moment now, he’d complete a new one. So the man was planning to lay his hands on the secrets early and sell it off somewhere else.

The man quietly peered in through the window. Inside, alone, Dr. F was deep in concentration as he mixed chemicals together. In the depths of his concentration, he didn’t notice that he was being watched.

At length, he had created a small amount of the drug, a green liquid. The professor drank this and nodded emphatically. “Hmm, the flavor’s not bad. The odor also seems acceptable, I think….” Then, stretching, he murmured “Well, finally. Up to now I’ve made various medicines. But none of them were superior to this. This is a world-class invention. Well, before I forget, let’s make a record of the process.”

The professor wrote on some paper, then painstakingly stored it away in a safe in the room’s corner. After that he went home.

The man lying in wait set about his work. He carefully forced open the window and slipped inside. By turning the dial to the numbers the professor had used earlier, he was easily able to open the safe. Putting the papers in his pocket, he fled with a happy spring in his step.

“Got it! I can make a lot of money with this. Since I saw the doctor drink it, there’s no way it can be harmful. And he said it was a wonderful drug. But I wonder what it does….”

That was a mystery. He didn’t have the time to look into what had happened to the professor after drinking it. And it wasn’t like he could just call and ask. But since it was Dr. F’s invention, judging by what he’d done so far, it was plainly going to be something useful.

Returning to his hideout, the man set about making the drug according to the recipe on the papers. Without knowing its effect, it would be a bother trying to sell it to someone. So he collected ingredients and bought flasks and beakers in preparation. Then, spending several days, he was able to create the drug in question. It had a pleasant smell, like lilies of the valley.

The man drank it himself. It had a refreshing flavor. The man sat down and waited for the effects to show.

While waiting, the man stood and went out. He walked quickly until he found himself at the professor’s lab.

“Doctor. I’ve done a terrible thing. The one who stole the papers from your safe the other day was me. Please take me and hand me over to the police,” he said.

The professor, who had come out, asked “Was it really you?”

“Yes. I made the drug like you wrote and tried drinking it. But after I did that I realized how bad it was what I’d done and came here. Please forgive me. I’m giving you back the papers I stole.”

The man was in tears as he apologized. But the professor, instead of getting angry, smiled and said “Well, well. As expected, my invention was effective. This drug’s effect is to awaken the conscience. However, although I’d made it, I realized after that there was still a problem. I doubt there are any wrongdoers who would try drinking it to test the effects. But thanks to you, its efficacy has been proven. Thank you for your hard work on my behalf.”

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盗んだ書類 - 星新一






















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