Saturday, January 31, 2009

Psychic Surgery (by Sakajiri Osamu)

In the year 2XXX CE, special abilities of the kind we would call psychic powers – in other words, psychokinesis, telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, precognition, and so on – had become widely accepted among the public. It was no longer possible to throw society into a flutter merely by bending a spoon, as it had once been. By this time, psychics had become valued for their ability to use their powers to contribute to the public welfare.

So the psychics would polish their skills. Precognitives predicted and reported natural disasters, crime, fires, accidents, and the like. Clairvoyants pinpointed damaged sections of pipe or cable in walls and underground. Telepaths, at the request of the police, looked into the authenticity of suspects’ testimony, and uncovered those planning crimes. Eventually, every official agency had started making contracts with psychics whose powers suited its character, and had even built training institutions to further increase their powers.

Among these there was a particular man with psychokinetic ability. He wondered if perhaps his power could be useful for surgery. So he started training, with the help of a hospital, to be able to remove tumors without cutting the body open.

One day, the room where he was training was filled with cheers.

“He’s really done it, hasn’t he? Amazing!”

“It’s a miracle, just a miracle!”

“This is all thanks to you, my teachers.”

“With this we can take care of patients too weak for invasive surgery!”

What he had done could be called the final stage of his training. There was a dummy of a patient, outfitted with an endoscope so that the inside of its stomach showed on a monitor. Looking at this image and using his powers, he had cut off a polyp.

It was a huge success. Miraculously, the monitor’s image of the polyp inside the model’s stomach was removed and pulverized.

However, the moment they opened the model to inspect the operation’s remains in greater detail, their delight turned to disappointment.

“What the—? Nothing’s been cut off at all!”

“But on the monitor, it sure….”

“What a stupid… please let me try this again.”

But no matter how many times he did, it was always the same. Even though the polyp in the image was removed, in the model, there was never any change. Finally, one of the doctors seemed to notice something. He said to the psychic,

“Hey, you, aren’t you just operating on the picture? Instead of relying on the monitor, you need to work up some clairvoyance and look into the stomach yourself!”

<+ + +>

心霊手術 - 坂尻 修


















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